What is Bernoulli's principle

Enjoy the video to gain an idea about the Bernoulli's principle...

So can you guess what is Bernoulli's principle.. =p

What is Bernoulli's principle? it states that for a fluid flow, an increase in the speed of fluid occurs simultaneously with decrease in pressure. ( or vice versa)

The pressure in a moving fluid depends on its flow velocity.

Look at this activity.. when the man blow at the upper side of the paper, the speed of the air will increase. Thus, it will lower the pressure upper side of the paper..
 Take note that it applied for FLUID which are LIQUID and GASES.. =)
Bernoulli's principle is important as it is used in design of air plain, boat hills, fan blades and cars.

Have a look for this activity....

Can you explain this situation based on Bernoulli's principle?

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