Tuesday 5 June 2012

Let's learn Bernoulli's Principle

Have you ever wonder how the aeroplane flies?? Think about it.....
Yeah.. it relates to the Bernoulli's Principle.. however do you know about Bernoulli's principle?
It occurs everyday around us.. One example of daily phenomena of this principle is you have to stand behind the yellow line when you are at the train station...
Can you guess why???

Bernoulli's principle state that when the speed of fluid increases, the pressure in the fluid decrease..and vice versa. From this situation, we can't stay over the yellow line because the high speed of the train will cause the low pressure between you and the train.. thus, because of unbalance pressure, you will be sucked towards the train..

Now can you think of another phenomena in your daily life regarding the Bernoulli's Principle??